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These websites are published by:

  • Haulotte Group · Rue Emile Zola · 42420 Lorette · France (phone : +33 4 77 29 24 24 · fax : +33 4 77 29 24 45)
  • S.A. au Capital de 4 078 265,62 € · R.C.S. Saint-Étienne B 332 822 485 · Siret : 332 822 485 00063
  • Please read this legal notice carefully before using these websites.

This notice is intended to define the terms under which Haulotte Group provides the internet sites,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and conditions under which users access and use these web site mentioned above. Any connection to these websites is subject to compliance with this legal notice that Haulotte Group reserves to change or update at any time. Access to and use of these websites indicates your acceptance of this legal notice.

Haulotte Group strives to make the websites mentioned on Article 1 available, without being under any obligation to do so. For purposes of maintenance, updating, and for any other reason, notably technical, access to the website may be interrupted. Haulotte Group is in no way responsible for these interruptions and the consequences that may result to the user.

The contents (data, information, illustrations, logos, trademarks, etc…) which appear on the websites mentioned on Article 1 are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. They are the exclusive property of their respective publishers. Any reproduction, representation, adaptation, alteration, modification, distribution, full or partial of the contents of the site by any means whatsoever, is illegal except for a single copy on a single computer and reserved exclusively for the private use of the copier. The contents of this site are subject to change without notice and are provided without warranty of any kind, express or implied, and cannot give rise to any right to compensation. Logos are trademarks.

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To correspond with Haulotte Group by email on the websites mentioned on Article 1, users will use the email The responses from Haulotte Group will not be considered or may not constitute proof of any advertising, promotional or commercial activity on the territory of the country which is the destination of responses.

The documents and information on websites mentioned on Article 1 are provided “as is” without any express or implied warranty of any kind Haulotte Group reserves the right to modify or correct the content of the websites mentioned on Article 1 at any time without notice.

Haulotte Group cannot be held liable for contamination of computer equipment as a result of the spread of a virus or other computer infection. It is the user’s responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by viruses circulating on the internet. In no event can Haulotte Group, its employees, suppliers or partners mentioned on the websites detailed on Article 1 be held responsible, under an action in contract, tort or any other action, for any direct or indirect, incidental or consequential, or whatever nature or for any prejudice, particularly of a financial or commercial nature, resulting from the use of the site or any information obtained from the websites mentioned on Article 1.

 The websites mentioned on Article 1 may contain simple or complex link (hypertext links) to partner sites or its customers’ sites.

Haulotte Group has no control over these sites and therefore cannot be responsible for the availability of these sites, their content, advertising, products and /or services on, or available from, such sites.
Thus, Haulotte Group shall not be liable for any damages, direct or indirect, that may arise in connection with the access of the user on the partner site or use of this site, the non-compliance of content and services any regulation or any infringement of third party rights. Haulotte Group is not responsible for the information materials, software site linked by hypertext sites mentioned on Article 1.

Haulotte Group is likely to automatically install “cookies”. Cookies allow Haulotte Group to record information about the navigation on the site are in no way personal.

The user may oppose the registration of cookies by configuring their browser software according to the instructions of the publisher.

The sites include a space for users to access job offers by Haulotte Group or any of its subsidiaries and to apply for these offers. The information requested in the online application is essential to the proper functioning of the system and the processing of the application. The duration of the data retention is 12 months after the last contact. This information is solely for the use by the recipients of Haulotte Group or its subsidiaries.

The user applying for a job is committed to publish accurate information (diplomas, professional experience…).

To better meet your needs during your visit to the websites mentioned on Article 1, information we may collect about you may be processed automatically.

The information provided is necessary for processing your request and is intended strictly for Haulotte Group for purely administrative use. In accordance with the “loi informatique et libertés” (French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978), the user has the right to oppose, access, modify and delete data by writing to Haulotte Group at its headquarters, or by email

Any dispute relating to the site or this legal notice shall be brought before the courts of Saint-Etienne, France, and will be governed and analyzed according to French law, regardless rules of conflict of laws. Use of the websites mentioned on Article 1 indicates your express agreement to this legal notice. In the event that any provision of this legal notice may be deemed unlawful, void or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, it would be considered not part of the legal notice and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of other provisions.

Site publisher : Haulotte Group
Publication director : Alexandre Saubot

Communication  & Webmaster :
Carine Ploton
Haulotte Group · Rue Emile Zola 42420 Lorette · France

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